The worldwide relationship crisis between the man and the environment, which the man became aware of in the second half of the XXth century, is the objective reality of the times we live in. This crisis is quite likely to escalate into a disaster irreversible destruction of the biosphere and, as a result, into a collapse of the civilization.
A great many of scientists and statesmen tend to see the reason for this type of the worldwide crisis to be only the intense environmental pollution, attributed to the population growth and rapid industrial development starting from the second half of the XXth century.
However, more profound study of the crisis essence as well as the view of the problem from religious, economic, philosophical, and historical standpoints shows that the society was initially opposed to the biosphere. Ancient civilizations experienced local environmental crises, as a result of which some of those disappeared from the face of the planet. The reason for such collapses was the fall of man, which is expressed in his consumer attitude to the environment and disregard for the laws of nature.
Any processes of political or social regress begin with the spiritual crises and the history in such an aspect can be presented as a peculiar natural history guide. From the eyesight of an orthodox Christian, the naturalistic course of events represents a constant fight between the Devil and the Lord, to kill the Man as the top of Lords creation, having reft him from the nature. The course of history is governed by the disposition of Providence and Mans free will.
The man often becomes a conveyor of demolishing principle which banefully tells upon his interrelation with the environment.
Sins such as arrogance, insatiable lust after consumption, expressed in nature subdual for the purpose of reaching doubtful up-to-the-minute results, lead to such aftermaths that will have to be eliminated by further generations.
To be able to find a way out of the crisis or even avoid it, spiritual principle has to be raised and sustained, which would change mans attitude towards the nature, based on the principle of its celestial creativity, as well as towards the society, power, and one another.
Orthodoxy takes care of the purity of the mans soul and the outworld is perceived by an Orthodox man as the world that was created by the Lord, i. e. as the works of God. This is the land where you were born, which is your homeland, the place where your ancestors lived your motherland. We see this as the ancestry of patriotism of the Orthodox man. Every man holds within the image and likeness of God, meaning every man is a great value in the eyes of God. The basis for reverent relation between the people, aspiration to idealising any other man lie in these views.