For the secular side, presentations will be made at the Conference by spokesmen for various companies, financial structures, local and federal authorities, public organizations and guests from foreign countries. We expect that the floor will be taken not for the sake of commonplace reports on the work done, but in order to conceive our role in this world and see whether we are doing right and what has to be actually done, if we sincerely want to correct the errors of the past.
We hope that the Russian Orthodox Church will be represented by bishops, clergymen, professors of theology, who could instantiate how solicitous attitude to natural values is depicted in the Holy Scripture, patristic heritage and Lives of Saints.
At the same time it has been planned to invite representatives of traditional confessions in Russia and other countries.
The Conference will touch upon some important issues which can be discussed at sessions, as follows:
- Man’s responsibility for nature conservation. Legislation and behaviour.
- Theological understanding of relation between the man and environment.
- Environmental education. The rising generation and our expectations.
- Nature and nation’s health. Charity and mercy.
- Interaction between the man and nature as a subject for research activities.
A steering committee will be formed to arrange the Conference, which will perform preliminary discussions of the objectives and targets for the Conference, prepare an appeal to the Russian Government and UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme) requesting support to the Conference, discuss possibilities for awarding the participants that have made particular contributions to the environmental and spiritual enlightenment (bestowing Certificates of Merit, diplomas, notes of appreciation).
We are hopeful that the Conference can be financed from sponsorship by large- and medium-size Russian companies and charity funds.
Taking into account the preparation period, the Conference is planned to be held in 2008 in Moscow.